Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Procedure Text of Fecipe

A procedure text tells the readers, how to do a task, something or make an item. Recipes and manuals are kinds of procedural texts. Recipes and manuals are beneficial to get the best efficiently and to avoid accidents, damage and unnecessary waste.
Procedural texts, recipes and manuals included, have certain generic structures, as follow.
1. Tittle/ goal : Tell the readers what will be explained. it is contain the purpose of the text.
2. Ingredients/ materials : tell the readers about the ingredient or materials needed. It is contain of the materials that used in the process. For example the material to make a glass of coffee are sugar, coffee, water and so on.
3. Steps/ methods : tell the readers about chronological steps on how to make something. It is contain of the steps to make something in the goal. For example, first, boil the water, second, pour the sugar and so on.
4. Language features: language features of a procedure text are, as follow
a. The use of imperative sentence
b. The use of noun phrase
c. The use of conjunctions

Untuk translate, insyaallah nanti saat waktu luang, atau bisa langsung menuju google translate
selamat belajar dan semoga sukses

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