Saturday, March 9, 2019


Letter adalah surat, yaitu suatu alat komunikasi tertulis yang biasanya dikirim lewat pos. Surat biasanya dimasukkan kedalam amplop dan dibubuhi perangko.
Bagian-bagian surat, yaitu:
1. Alamat Pengirim (The Sender’s address)
2. Tanggal penulisan surat (The Date of writing letter)
3. Alamat orang yang dituju (Receiver)
4. Salam pembuka (salutation/Greeting)
5. Isi surat (The body of the letter)
6. Penutup (Closing) berisi tanda tangan dan nama pengirim

Surat dibedakan menjadi dua macam
Surat pribadi dan surat bisnis.
Surat pribadi biasanya bersifat informal sedang surat bisnis bersifat formal dan sangat terkait pada aturan yang berlaku

Sedang Email adalah Surat elektronik
e-mail mempunyai tiga bagian pokok:
1. Header : yang berisi informasi tentang pengirim dan penerima e-mail, waktu pengiriman dan subjek surat tersebut. Pada bagian ini, biasanya disingkat dengan “cc” kependekan dari carbon copy yang diisi alamat e-mail orang lain yang berhak menerima kopi surat tersebut.
2. Message body, yang menjelaskan isi surat
3. Signature, yang menunjukkan identitas isi surat

Penyedia layanan email yang paling populer sekarang ini adalah gmail dan yahoomail, dan untuk lainnya sebenarnya masih ada beberapa

Contoh letter dan e-mail

Jalan Ampera 32
2nd March 2019

Jalan perdana 12

Dear Paula,
How are you? It’s been a long time since we last met. Well, I just want to tell you that I have a new pocket camera. My uncle, Rudi, arrived from Singapore last month and bought it for me. It is a digital camera. I am very happy to have it.
I have a new hobby, photography. I carry my camera everywhere and i take pictures of people or other interesting shots. I would like to enter a national or even an international photo contest. I already have a number of photo collectons.
Enclosed are a few of my shoots. I wait your comment about them
I think that’s all for now. Write to me soon, okay?



From        : Anton
To            : Aldi
Sent         : Sunday, 5th  January 2014 20;35 PM
Subject     :  My New hobby

Dear Aldi,
How are you? I miss you. It has been a year since you moved to Medan. You know, i have a new hobby, goin to the cinema. Whenever I have spare time, I go. I have already watched twenty films. I watch all kinds of films-drama, horor and crime.
One night, after a movie, I lest the cinema hurriedly. My watch showed 11:30 p.m. as I gor on my bicycle. I pedalled hard and spend home. My thoughts returned to one of the scenes that I had just seen. It was a very scary movie. I could clearly remembere a woman screaming, as she was being attached by a monster. That frightful scene stayed on my mind.

I think that’s all for now. Write to me soon, okay?



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